Spring 2022 semester subprojects

Contact us at contact@ssaepfl.com if you are interested in doing a bachelor or master project with us! You can also join our team and collaborate in one of the following domains:

Collaborating laboratories:

  • Chair of Computational Mathematics and Simulation Science
  • Scalable Computing Systems Laboratory
  • Distributed Information Systems Laboratory
  • eSpace
  • MLO
  • ANMC
  • Automatic Control Laboratory
For "To be dermined" laboratories, you can also contact a relevant laboratory yourself.

Graphical interface and 3d visualization

Using a database of the satellites and debris previously detected, create a tool to vizualize in 3D previous and predicted orbits of the debris and satellites. There is lots of freedom on what can be acheived, however, the final version should be web-based. The goal is to put emphasis on our catalog and the debris detected by our own means. This tool will be available to EPFL collaborators in a first place, and then to different international actors, so the form has to be understandable by anyone.

Laboratory: To be determined

Sections: To be determined

State: open

Individual satellite classification

Our detection prototype is able to find the local coordinate (either Right-Ascention/Declinaison or Altitude/Azimuth) of LEO objects. This project aims at making a tool to automatically classify detected satellites, and tell either if it is a debris or a satellite (and if so tell which one). When a satellite is detected from a ground based telescope, there is some errors to take into account. This can be either inprecise observation errors, or the satellite has naturally drifted from its original orbit. Those uncertainty have to be taken into account and managed. Newly deceted satellite that don't quite match their supposed orbit should be updated to the newly detected orbit in the database.

Laboratory: To be dermined

Section: PH, MA, IN, SC

State: Work in progress

Collision probability calculations

This project aims at continuing the early work made on collision calculations for the orbits of satellites. Using gaussian curves, calculate the risk of two satellites colliding, and especially the risk of a debris detected by our means causing harm to an existing satellite.

Laboratory: ANMC

Section: PH, MA, IN, SC

State: Work in progress

Real time cloud computing of satellite orbits

A first work has been made on the calcualtion of the future positions of a satellite using the perturbation model SGP4. However, the algorithm cannot run in real time and has some major optimization problems. The goal of this project is to continue the existing work and to make an algorithm able to run on a cloud based server with limited ressources. The expected positions of satellites should then be updated in real time.

Laboratory: To be dermined 

Sections: PH, MA, IN, SC

State: Open

Ellipsis interpolation from local observations

Create a tool able to create the TLE (orbital parameters) of a satellite from local observations (IOD format), by using the least square method on the interpolation of an elipsis orbit. Incorporate error of the measurements into errors in the TLE.

Laboratory: To be dermined 

Sections: PH, MA, IN, SC

State: Work in progress

GAN and neural networks

Continue the work done on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and neural networks to detect and identify tracks in long exposure images of the sky.

Laboratory: To be dermined 

Sections: PH, IN, SC

State: Open

Track periodicity

Continue the work done on track periodicity to determine the rotation of a satellite in space.

Laboratory: To be dermined 

Sections: To be dermined

State: Open

Data pipeline to EPFL

Find a way to forward the large flux of informations (raw and processed images) from our site in Astroval, toward EPFL. Methods to do this needs to be determined (using a starlink antenna, radio antenna, laser ?). This projects accounts for the design phase and begenning of the installation, but the installation is mainly done in the autumn semester 2022.

Laboratory: To be dermined 

Sections: To be dermined

State: Open

Study of the limitations caused by the site choice for the telescope

Study of the weather pattern, light pollution and athmospheric noise in the particular location of Astroval to determine the limitations of using optical SSA in switzerland and in the joux valley.

Laboratory: To be dermined 

Sections: To be dermined

State: Open

Cupola construction

Design and start the building of a cupola or other system to protect the telescope from the natural elements. Astroval sets the limitations on any construction : it needs to be removeable at anytime, meaning no fundations below the ground, and preferably light elements (wood, metal), and ideally no concrete.

Laboratory: To be dermined 

Sections: To be dermined

State: Open

Theoretical study of object detection on different wavelenghts

As for now, only optical images have been used to track and detect satellites. However, some SSA telescopes in the world use radiowaves or microwaves. It will be of interest to study the feasability of using different wavelenghts for detection, and if it can be more efficient than traditional optical methods.

Laboratory: To be dermined 

Sections: To be dermined

State: Open